Practical Guide for Converting Hydraulic Systems to APRIL/GEO-MINES HEES Biodegradable Oil

Do you wish to convert your hydraulic systems to use biodegradable oils like Geo-Mines’ APRIL HEES 46? It’s an excellent decision: these oils will help you reduce breakdowns and your environmental footprint while improving the performance and durability of your drills and equipment.

To ensure a safe and effective conversion, Geo-Mines will guide you through the essential steps detailed in this article.

Why choose Geo-Mines’ biosynthetic APRIL HEES 46 Oil?

Geo-Mines successfully tested April BIO-SYN HEES 46 oil on a large mining project in Abitibi using 10 underground drills. This Quebec product, with bases sourced from Europe, is of superior quality and is rapidly biodegradable (more than 80% in 28 days).

APRIL HEES oils comply with strict environmental standards such as Ecologo, Blue Angel, and Ecolabel. They have also demonstrated the ability to reduce issues related to moisture and frequent breakdowns compared to other oils.

April BIO-SYN HEES 46 oil is among the products accepted by the Ministry of the Environment and the Fight Against Climate Change for the Ecologo standard.

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The 5-step conversion process

Here are the recommended steps by APRIL and Geo-Mines. We can guide you throughout the process to ensure a successful transition.

Step 1: Preliminary analysis

First, it’s crucial to analyze the hydraulic oil currently used in your system. This analysis will ensure your system is in good working condition and ready for conversion. It is also necessary to have enough APRIL HEES oil before the transition: consider an amount equivalent to 140% of your system’s total volume to cover the rinsing and filling.

Step 2: Flushing

Flushing is a crucial step. Start by retracting all hydraulic cylinders and draining the reservoir. Replace the hydraulic oil filters.

Step 3: Conversion

Reconnect all components and hydraulic piping, then fill the reservoir with APRIL HEES oil. Operate all components for several minutes to ensure uniform oil distribution.

Step 4: Registration and certification

After the conversion, you can also do it yourself online or by phone using the provided QR code or number. A sample of the oil must be sent to the APRIL SUPER FLO laboratory for analysis. If the oil contains less than 5% residual mineral oil, an environmental compliance certificate recognized by the ministries will be issued. Geo-Mines and April will then take care of registering your equipment.

Step 5: Certificate renewal

The compliance certificate installed on your drill indicates that it meets environmental standards. The certificate must be renewed every two years with a new sample.

Geo-Mines facilitates your ecological transition

Ready to go green with your hydraulic systems or transmissions? Contact us today to start your transition to an ecological solution with competitively priced APRIL BIO HEES products. We are here to help you at every step of the process.

Geo-Mines helps your ecological transition with sustainable drilling products for drilling. Discover our eco friendly products.